A weird and mortal sickness shook the whole world on March 2020, many people died without a science explanation; there was not a medicine people could use to take the sickness from their bodies away.
I experienced and saw how families and friends were destroyed and how people passed away without a hope of an eternal life and how people suffered, and there was not help from anybody because no one had an answer about what was happening at that time. So, the only one who could and can help with that pain to the families and give hope to the people who suffered that sickness is the power of God.
I could see the necessity of hope in people life and there is just one hope: Jesus Christ. So, on July 26, 2020. I decided to expand this hope through the Gospel around the world by Preaching, praying and playing songs with hope lyrics.
In the holy Bible we find God’s word with real promises of love and life:
John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Based on God’s words the gospel of hope and eternal life is expanded through this on line radio www.voiceofsalvation.com
I hope you can find the only hope, Jesus Christ is waiting for you, he loves you and he wants to give you the gift of eternal life.